“El éxito de la práctica del basquetbol es creer en uno mismo, tener disciplina y nunca rendirse”: José Curiel (Klasse 9C)
18 Mai, 2022
Atributo IB: Equilibrados
20 Mai, 2022Our students excelled at British School Model United Nations
Created by: José Suárez. Seven students from Klassen 9, 10, and 11 participated in BISMUN X, a Model United Nations conference organized by the British International School. As is tradition, our Delegates stood out for their excellent performance and were awarded several academic prizes, thus greatly heightening the name of our German School.
- Santiago Uribe Abudinen – President of the International Court of Justice.
- Antonio Isaza Abello – Best Delegate in the Historical Security Council.
- Sofía Marú Castro – Best Junior Delegate in the International Court of Justice.
- Jesús Daniel Quintero Morales – Best Junior Delegate in the Legal Committee.
- Daniel Alejandro Dávila Gutiérrez de Piñeres – 1st Outstanding Delegate in the Legal Committee.
- David Alejandro Vargas Gamboa – 1st Outstanding Delegate in Congreso de la República.
- Carlos Alberto Ricardo Llinás – Honorable Mention in the Historical Security Council.